Monday, September 20, 2010

Rob Ford Takes 45.8% of Latest Poll for Next Mayor of Toronto!!

Wow, Rob Ford is now only footsteps away from becoming the next Mayor of Toronto, and it seems that no matter what propaganda the Toronto Star, that moron Marcus Gee from the Globe and Mail, or any other self-serving shameful news organization tries to push onto Torontonians to persuade us against voting for Rob Ford, we are not interested.

Toronto has spoken, and we want a new Mayor, a new City Council, and a completely new approach and philosophy in Toronto Politics. And that all begins and ends with Rob Ford!

The latest poll by Nanos Research just came out, and it puts Rob Ford in 1st place, far, far, far ahead of all of the other candidates, including George Smitherman, who is now over 24 points behind Rob Ford.

Here are the details from the Toronto Sun:

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Why TTC Streetcars in Toronto Are NOT The Better Way...

There's been a lot of debate recently about the value of Streetcars versus Buses in Toronto, and being an anti-streetcar person myself, I felt it would be of use to outline some of the disadvantages of Streetcars, just so Torontonians won't get caught up in the false-hype being raised by the pro-streetcar advocates:

Sunday, September 12, 2010

2010 Fall REALITY TV Show Premier Dates, Trailers & Websites...

PLEASE NOTE: This page may take a few minutes to load (depending on the speed of your internet connection), as there are many embedded YouTube videos of Reality TV Show previews, trailers and video clips on this page.

If you're a huge TV fan like me, then I'm sure you can appreciate the struggle in trying to keep track of when all of your favorite TV Shows (and new TV Shows) are going to be starting again, or premiering for the first time this Fall Season.

Well, I found a great article in the Toronto Sun where they gave a summary of the majority of the Fall 2010 TV Show Premier Dates.  I took it a couple steps further and pulled together summaries for each of the shows, their Official Websites, and also the Trailers that I found kicking around on YouTube and etc. (and when the trailers weren't available, I grabbed video from previous seasons and etc.).

Please note that I pulled together the summaries of each of the TV Shows from either IMDb, Wikipedia, or the actual TV Show's Official Website (see links below).

I tried to include all of the Comedy, Drama and Reality TV details on one post, but the time it took to load was just insane. So I decided to break them down by their Genres into separate posts instead. This post focuses on the Reality TV Shows for this fall. Please see the following pages for the Comedy TV Shows and the Drama TV Shows.

Firstly, here's the article from the Toronto Sun where I found the list of shows, and their Fall TV Debut Dates:

2010 Fall DRAMA TV Show Premier Dates, Trailers & Websites...

PLEASE NOTE: This page may take a few minutes to load (depending on the speed of your internet connection), as there are many embedded YouTube videos of Drama TV Show previews, trailers and video clips on this page.

If you're a huge TV fan like me, then I'm sure you can appreciate the struggle in trying to keep track of when all of your favorite TV Shows (and new TV Shows) are going to be starting again, or premiering for the first time this Fall Season.

Well, I found a great article in the Toronto Sun where they gave a summary of the majority of the Fall 2010 TV Show Premier Dates.  I took it a couple steps further and pulled together summaries for each of the shows, their Official Websites, and also the Trailers that I found kicking around on YouTube and etc. (and when the trailers weren't available, I grabbed video from previous seasons and etc.).

Please note that I pulled together the summaries of each of the TV Shows from either IMDb, Wikipedia, or the actual TV Show's Official Website (see links below).

I tried to include all of the Comedy, Drama and Reality TV details on one post, but the time it took to load was just insane. So I decided to break them down by their Genres into separate posts instead. This post focuses on the Drama TV Shows for this fall. Please see the following pages for the Comedy TV Shows and the Reality TV Shows.

Firstly, here's the article from the Toronto Sun where I found the list of shows, and their Fall TV Debut Dates:

2010 Fall COMEDY TV Show Premier Dates, Trailers & Websites...

PLEASE NOTE: This page may take a few minutes to load (depending on the speed of your internet connection), as there are many embedded YouTube videos of Comedy TV Show previews, trailers and video clips on this page.

If you're a huge TV fan like me, then I'm sure you can appreciate the struggle in trying to keep track of when all of your favorite TV Shows (and new TV Shows) are going to be starting again, or premiering for the first time this Fall Season.

Well, I found a great article in the Toronto Sun where they gave a summary of the majority of the Fall 2010 TV Show Premier Dates.  I took it a couple steps further and pulled together summaries for each of the shows, their Official Websites, and also the Trailers that I found kicking around on YouTube and etc. (and when the trailers weren't available, I grabbed video from previous seasons and etc.).

Please note that I pulled together the summaries of each of the TV Shows from either IMDb, Wikipedia, or the actual TV Show's Official Website (see links below).

I tried to include all of the Comedy, Drama and Reality TV details on one post, but the time it took to load was just insane. So I decided to break them down by their Genres into separate posts instead. This post focuses on the Comedy TV Shows for this fall. Please see the following pages for the Drama TV Shows and the Reality TV Shows.

Firstly, here's the article from the Toronto Sun where I found the list of shows, and their Fall TV Debut Dates:

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Rob Ford Releases His Transportation Plan! Here Are The Details...

Rob Ford just released his Transportation Plan as a part of his platform as a Candidate for the next Mayor of Toronto.

I've gone ahead and included below Rob Ford's release statement in regards to his Transportation Plan, a link to the detailed plan pdf, as well as a YouTube video where Ford describes the Transportation Plan:

Monday, September 6, 2010

Sons of Anarchy Returns Sept. 7th for Season 3! Here's the Trailer...

Sons of Anarchy returns on the FX Network Tomorrow September 7th for Season 3!!

Here's a great trailer I found for Season 3 on YouTube:

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Returns Sept. 16th for Season 6!!

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is back on September 16th for Season 6, and I can't wait!!

If you haven't watched the show yet, I actually envy you! It is definitely one of the funniest shows on TV right now, and you get 5 Seasons worth of episodes to watch for the first time!  In case you're wondering what the show is about, people say it's like a Dark Seinfeld on Crack, and I'd have to agree.

I found a bunch of trailers for Season 6 on the ALLNEWSSUNNY YouTube channel, and I embedded one of the videos below for your viewing pleasure.  I've also included a link to the page, so you can watch them all.  Enjoy!

Ontario Eco Fees FAIL to Divert Hazardous Materials from Landfills...

You know, I've always been skeptical of all of these taxes/fees that we are dishing out, all in the name of the Environmental and Recycling initiatives.

For some reason (hmm... I wonder why?...), I have no faith whatsoever in Dalton McGuinty when he talks about charging us fees to ensure that certain materials (Electronic and etc.) will be Recycled instead of ending up in the Dumps and Landfills with the rest of the garbage.

Well, now that skepticism is being justified, as it is being confirmed that the majority of items which are suppose to be Recycled via the still existing Eco Fee-driven WEEE (The Waste Electronics and Electrical Equipment) program, are still ending up in Landfills.

Which leads us to the question, where is all of the Eco Fee revenue that the Ontario Tax Payers are being milked for, going? Well, it's probably going to the same place that the eHealth Billion dollars went (and you can ask George Slitherman all about that!).

Here's the story from the Toronto Sun: