Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Au Revoir Montreal Canadiens...

Je suis très Désolé Les Habitants... Très, Très, Très Dèsolè! ;)

Mais Oui, I am relishing in your defeat as a Torontonian... I just can't help it. It comes so natural as a Leaf fan... Can you blame me?

Ok, yes, the Leafs sucked beyond comparison. I accept that. But, as they say, la misère aime la compagnie (or in english: misery loves company), and a very happy tongue-in-cheek "Bienvenue" I extend to you Montreal!!

Ha ha ha!!!

Ok, enough of that.


http://www.flickr.com/photos/alexnormand/2458457050/sizes/l/ by skippyjon on flickr

1 comment:

  1. Aside from you, I think the rest of Canada was sad to see the last Canadian team in the playoffs go.... :-(

    Sad Sad day
