Toronto City Councils' Leftist poster boys, Councillors Adam Vaughan and Gord Perks, pulled together all of the 100 people who support Transit City, and they had a cute little protest today at City Hall against Mayor Ford's subway plan.
Vaughan, who is fresh off his latest gravy run to the Netherlands for the Walk21 conference on pedestrians (with expenses sent to Toronto taxpayers of course. See: Toronto Councillors Vaughan & Carroll Continue To Reach For the Gravy...), and Perks, who I guess could care less about the situation his constituents in Roncesvalles are going through with their version of the St. Clair Streetcar Right-of-way disaster (see: Roncesvalles project drags on), apparently don't mind wasting time trying to gather people for a cause that no more than 100 people cared enough about to support on Sunday, not to mention defying the majority of Torontonians who voted for Rob Ford and therefore supported his plan kill Transit City in favour of subways.
Here's the story from the Toronto Sun:
Budget debate starts now
About 100 people held a rally Sunday at City Hall protesting Ford’s plan to axe the former mayor David Miller’s light-rail rapid transit plan to expand service to areas outside the downtown core.
“We have gotten involved and have been calling people, set up a Facebook page and we now have a rally which will turn into a mass organization to save Transit City,” said rally organizer Patrick Shorter. (This week) will be critical for Transit City so we will be out at bus stops and subway stations talking to people.”
To be a healthy city Toronto needs Transit City, said Councillor Gord Perks.
“We are here to fight Mayor Ford’s fairy dust plan to stop in place of a subway plan that will never work,” Perks said. “Mayor Ford did win the election, but Transit City is loved by millions of people in the Greater Toronto Area and we are going to get it back. LRTs have been shown in dozens and dozens of cities in North America and Europe to be the best way to build in the suburbs.”
You know, I love how Gord Perks talks about a "fairy dust plan", and then goes on to say in the same sentence that Rob Ford (the definition of anti-Transit City) won the election, but how "Transit City is loved by millions of people"... Seriously, who's living in a magical fantasy land and snorting the fairy dust?? I mean, is Perks even here with us on planet earth?
If you ask the people of Roncesvalles, I'm sure they're wondering the exact same thing...
Adam Vaughan: by Sherurcij on Wikipedia
Gord Perks: by Abebenjoe on Wikipedia
I am a Roncesvalles Ave resident. Believe me when I say this: Not one store owner supported this dedicated street car business & bump-outs.
They were told they had to have it.
You can ask any store owner & they will confirm this.
Gord Perks invited his like minded ECO NUTS to make all the decisions for a business street. Tax paying businesses had no say what so ever!
On this rare occasion, when ALL the councillors did show up for the new mayors picture, Gord Perks is in the back row, disrespecting everyone by making a gargoyle pose. This man is a disrespectful Jerk that is sending out a message, loud and clear to All taxpayers, that he is NOT a team player. That he would rather see families on the street, bcos they cannot afford the hydro, heat & high taxes anymore.
Just so long as he gets his over inflated pay cheque that comes from our sweat!
For the Multi-Millions that St. Clair Ave. cost....they only save 18 minutes in riding time.
Do the math. Does 18 minutes really justify having spent all those millions? And look at the nightmare it is to drive on St. Clair. To support LRT is definitely a "war on cars".
LRT is NOT the better way. Subways are......period!
I am sorry the Roncesvalles neighborhood's still suffering. However, I wonder HOW Councillor Perks got re elected given his record? My councillor barely clawed his way back with just over 100 votes,we tried to have change. Subways cost,but when communist Bejing even realizes the need given their current,and future population forecasts. Our capitalistic city ought to support Mayor Ford to access private, provincial, and federal funding. NO more STOP GAPS,calculate the cost of grid lock, NOT having subways!
I have no idea by how many votes he got in, but he got in bcos of the influx of new younger people into the Roncesvalles Ave area. I guess their the Beaches crowd. Real airhead lefties with only their in vogue "green energy" and bicycle agenda. These people would not survive in a private sector world.
I really like NDP Peggy Nash. But I do not like Gord Perks. I have caught Perks on 2 lies to me and Nash has never lied to me when I have had the opportunity to talk to her. She has more honour than he. That speaks volumes to me. It's really not about the party is it? It really has to do with the person.
And Perks, as far as I am concerned is a pandering, self-serving, disrespectful IDIOT that could not care less about all the financial loss of our business community! All he cares about is catering to the few that actually do come out for elections and the little pandering get-togethers. The entire project was and still is a piece-meal, scattered, uncoordinated, over budgeted fiasco, that will resume for the 3rd year this spring.
Heck I have sold huge sub-divisions and had them up and occupied (sewers, sidewalks et all) within 1 to 1 1/2 years. And he could not organize a short street. Come on now. He would never have lasted in the private sector either, would he?
Subways were always the way to go. You want clean air? Well, Perks, wake up and help lower those hydro rates, bcos electric cars are here.
That will clean up our air, not those damn expensive health hazard windmills, useless solar panels, and gridlock creating LRT's & streetcars. Canada already has clean electricity. Get your boss, McGuinty to focus on amalgamating Hydro under one roof and downsize the whole thing. It's a cash cow that is bankrupting us.
Subways, subways and only subways!
Yeah Rob Ford!
Look at the stats...oh wait, you probably haven't a clue who to evaluate stats, you knuckle draggers are the AIRHEADS!! Bunch of bloody retards. First you let Lastman make his dump and now you have this Bozo.
Sure retards, increase spending on transit and cut costs for drivers! Maybe you already breathed in too much SMOG!
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